Checking PHP version

PHP version is 7.2.34 ..... WARNING! You should use version 7.0 for full compatibility.

PHP configuration file

The used php.ini file is /var/www/php-bin-isp-php72/vps003/php.ini

Checking PHP extensions

Checking: curl ..... OK
Checking: gd ..... OK
Checking: intl ..... OK
Checking: json ..... OK
Checking: ldap ..... WARNING! This extension is needed if you want to connect to an ldap directory.
Checking: mbstring ..... OK
Checking: mysqli ..... OK
Checking: pcre ..... OK
Checking: tidy ..... WARNING! This extension is needed if you want to use the universal export module.
Checking: xsl ..... OK
Checking: zip ..... WARNING! This extension is needed if you want to use ZIP compression.
Checking: Zend OPcache ..... WARNING! This extension is needed if you want to use a fast bytecode cache.

Checking PHP file upload

OK ..... File upload is enabled and the upload_tmp_dir (/var/www/vps003/data/bin-tmp/) is writable.

Checking PHP session save path

OK ..... session.save_path (/var/www/vps003/data/bin-tmp/) is writable.

Checking PHP ini values

Checking: memory_limit (128) ..... FAILED
Checking: max_execution_time (120) ..... FAILED
Checking: post_max_size (32) ..... FAILED
Checking: upload_max_filesize (32) ..... FAILED
Checking: memory_limit (256) ..... FAILED

Checking write access

Checking: /cache ..... OK
Checking: /images ..... OK
Checking: /extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/config ..... OK
Checking: /extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/data ..... OK
Checking: /extensions/Widgets/compiled_templates ..... WARNING! This folder is only needed for BlueSpice pro

   For more information refer to the related article in the BlueSpice Helpdesk

Checking SMTP connection

OK ..... connection to SMTP server was successful.

Checking compatibility to Single Sign On

WARNING! $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] is not set. If you want to use Single Sign On please configure the authentication type of your webserver.